
Project Description
The Long Sixties is an international collaborative research project on the re-conceptualization of the visual art of the Sixties in Central-Eastern Europe. The time of the Sixties cannot be constrained between the beginning and the end date of a decade. It began earlier and lasted longer than an actual decade, hence the title of the project. 1956 and 1968 – these two dates in East Central European cultural history mark together a closure and a beginning. 1956 represented the violent closure of one reform attempt, while 1968, despite its reiteration of this clampdown, nevertheless proved to be the beginning of another opening. 1968 initiated an ongoing reform process that endured up until 1989 and beyond. 1956 and 1968: these two years are often taken to signify two moments of revolutions, prematurely brought to a halt. We propose basic research and sharing of knowledge across our national contexts. We intend to step towards a transnational, networked account of the art of the Sixties, reinterpreting the supposedly “known” from new perspectives, and exploring topics that have up until now fallen outside of the interest of art history.

Calendar of Events
April 18-19, 2013 – workshop in Budapest

Cooperating partners

Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Center for the Humanities, Institute of Art History

Moravian Gallery, Brno

Adam Miczkiewicz University, Poznan

Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava

Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest



Supported by the International Visegrad Fund
