Events Participants

Events Participants

The Long Sixties

The Long Sixties is an international collaborative research project on the re-conceptualization of the visual art of the Sixties in Central-Eastern Europe.

A two-day workshop is held in the Ludwig Museum, April 18-19, 2013.
See program and details at

The workshop is open for the public, but registration is required. Please register by sending an e-mail to
The language of the workshop is English.

Cooperating partners
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Center for Humanities, Institute of Art History, Moravian Gallery, Brno, Adam Miczkiewitz University, Poznan, Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest

April 18, THURSDAY
10.00 -10.10 welcome
10.10-10.30 STANISLAW WELBEL and JOANNA KORDJAK, Landscapes of modernity
10.30-10.50 JÓZSEF MÉLYI, Points for a compartive study and display of the art of the Sixties
10.50-11.10 discussion

11.10-11.25 coffee break

11.25-11.45 KATALIN AKNAI, A case study of a tomb motif by IlonaKeserü and its background
11.45-12.05 GÁBOR PATAKI, „National roots” in the art of the Sixties in Central-Eastern Europe
12.05-12.25 discussion

12.25-14.00 lunch

14.00-14.20 AGATA JAKUBOWSKA, The Feminine mystique in the East
14.20-14.40 LUCIA GREGOROVÁ, Her view on him and her. Work of Jana Želibská in the context of the Slovak art scene of the 1960s
14.40-15.00 discussion

15.00-15.15 coffee break

15.15-15.35 PAVLÍNA MORGANOVÁ, Early Czech happenings before Fluxfestival in Prague 1966
15.35-15.55 EMESE KÜRTI, Intuitive actions
15.55-16.15 discussion

19.00 dinner

April 19, FRIDAY
10.00-10.20 SÁNDOR HORNYIK, From the First Sputnik to Apollo 11: Science, Technology, and the Cold War in the Hungarian Art of the Long Sixties
10.20-10.40 ALEXANDRA TAMÁSOVÁ, Between Science and Fiction: The Subject of Space in the Slovak Art of the Sixties
10.40-11.00 discussion

11.00-11.15 coffee break

11. 15-11.35 PETR INGERLE, Institutional collecting versus „live art“: Acquisition policy of the Moravian Gallery in Brno against the background of the contemporary art of the Sixties
11.35-11.55 MAGDALENA RADOMSKA, Ideological discourse and Polish art of 60s
11.55-12.15 discussion

12.15-13.30 lunch

13.30-13.50 KATALIN TIMÁR, Miklós Erdély: A Hunger for Montage /1966/
13.50- 14.05 KATALIN SZÉKELY, The artist’s hand
14.05-14.25 LÁSZLÓ BEKE, Early approaches to media in the art of the 1960s in Hungary
14.25-14.45 discussion

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